
August 13, 2015

I've moved!

I’m fazing out this blog and replacing it with a new one over at All old posts have vacated their old lodgings and taken up residence here. I hope you'll click over there and continue to follow along with my writing adventures!

July 19, 2015

The Lighthouse Thief, 2.0

Last summer, I released my middle-grade mystery novel The Lighthouse Thief. I had finished it—poured myself into it—and truly wanted to be done and move on to bigger, better stories. Looking back, however, I realize there were many overlooked flaws with the book and its design—flaws that I can't ignore any more. 

So that's my mystery-surprise-project of late: a second edition of The Lighthouse Thief. The updated version will feature (most importantly) a new cover, but also an array of edits within the text itself. I truly want this project to reach its full potential both in terms of story and design.

For those of you who already own a copy of The Lighthouse Thief, fear not. I'll try to handle things so that Kindle copy owners can update their copies for free, and print owners will hopefully have the opportunity to order a new copy at a discounted price. Due to the time needed to update the book, The Lighthouse Thief will be missing from Amazon and other sites for a time. I appreciate your patience as I work to bring you the best possible book!

In the meantime, I suggest you take a look at my newest work, Finding Viola: A Short Story, available for only 99 cents on Amazon, NOOK, and Smashwords.

July 6, 2015

Audiobook of Denver and the Doolittle Raid is here!

Audiobook fans: the audio edition of Denver and the Doolittle Raid is here! Narrated by the wonderful Nick Hart, the hour-long audiobook is available from Amazon, Audible, and iTunes.
Or from Audible:…/B010Z8F…/ref=a_search_c4_1_4_srTtl…

In other news, I've just started the editing process on my next novel, The Fiery Arrow. Stay tuned for more exciting updates in the coming months!

July 3, 2015

Author Interview & Free Kindle Books

Today, I'm happy to be hosted by Callie over at MyBookThoughts for a special interview. Callie posts biweekly book reviews, and this week she is reviewing my own Denver and the Doolittle Raid!

Also, The Lighthouse Thief is FREE on Amazon Kindle today and tomorrow (July 3-4). Denver and the Doolittle Raid's promotion is also still going on through the 4th as well.

July 2, 2015

Free Kindle books. Finding Viola's wide release, and the title of my new book!

Lots of exciting news to post here:

First, you can get my book Denver and the Doolittle Raid for free on Amazon Kindle from today, July 2, through July 4. The Lighthouse Thief will be free on Kindle from July 3 through July 4. Enjoy the free deal, and don't forget to let your friends know as well!

The other bit of news is that my new short story Finding Viola is now available from almost any eBook platform: Kindle, NOOK, iBooks, Kobo, Smashwords, and more! The story is $0.99 for all platforms.

The final bit of news [drum roll, please] is the reveal of my next book's title. After eight months of writing, I've finally completed the first draft! And the title is...

The Fiery Arrow!

Stay tuned for more news on The Fiery Arrow in the next few months.

May 29, 2015

"Finding Viola" is now available on Amazon Kindle!

It's here! Today, my short story "Finding Viola" goes live on Amazon! Check it out over at Amazon (…/…/ref=sr_1_1…) for only $0.99.
And, as always, thank you for reading.

May 22, 2015

Cover revealed for "Finding Viola: A Short Story"

I'm proud to reveal the cover for my upcoming short story, "Finding Viola," designed by the talented Ronnell D. Porter. The ebook short story should be hitting Amazon Kindle within the next week or two. It's just become available for pre-ordering, so head over to Amazon and check it out! 

May 14, 2015

News update: audiobook, short story, etc.

Summer is almost here, the sun is shining (burning, more like), and I have lots of writing news to share! I have quite a few new projects I've been working on, and I am super thrilled to finally reveal them.

First off: I am working on producing an audiobook edition of Denver and the Doolittle Raid. Although I am pretty much a print-books-only sort of person, I know lots of readers love the audiobook format, so they can look forward to this audio edition, coming around July 1st. 

Second: Yes, I am still writing my next novel. I'm presently about 50% of the way through the first draft, so it is coming along quite nicely. I cannot wait to finish the first draft and start spilling some details to you all. However, for those of you rabid readers who simply can't wait...

Third: My biggest new project of late is actually a writing project--a short story! Within a few months, my new literary short story Finding Viola will be ready for reading! Again, I am utterly thrilled to share this unique new story with all of you and can't wait to see what you think of it. Look for more info (such as a book cover drop) in the next few weeks!


My current reading list:
  • Empire of Bones by N.D. Wilson
  • Beowulf by J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Above All Earthly Pow'rs by David Wells

April 18, 2015

Free Kindle books this weekend!

This weekend (through Sunday the 19th) get my book Denver and the Doolittle Raid free on Kindle in honor of the 73rd anniversary of the Raid.

February 20, 2015

Work in progress

Yes, I am still writing. I'm still here. In truth, I work furiously at times, writing half a chapter or more in a day—and I polish, edit, and brainstorm every day. However, there is simply nothing to tell. For this present time of first-draft scrawling, the end seems to be far beyond my range of view. But it will come. I promise.

(This may or may not be a hint. Yes, I did shoot this shot. No, I do not frequently shoot bull's-eyes.)

I truly cannot wait to share this project with all my readers. I have honestly come to love this story and its characters, and they've been a long time in the making, constantly developing and evolving over the course of several years. Writing persists as a work in progress, but the truly important thing is that there is progress.

My current reading list:

  • The Tolkien Reader by J.R.R. Tolkien
  • The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
  • The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis
  • Above All Earthly Pow'rs by David F. Wells
  • "Lysias on the Murder of Eratosthenes" by Lysias (an ancient Greek court speech)
  • The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald
  • Moby-Dick by Herman Melville (yes, I'm still reading it)

(Don't forget to check out my Facebook page)